A space where you can access innovative knowledge and effective methods to upgrade the brain based on TAW (Theory of an Advanced World) and Fractal Psychology.


 "Saemi is like Ayahuasca in human form"

- A student of Saemi's Personal Development Program

Place of the Way...



Dojo means "place of the Way" in Japanese.


This is traditionally in martial arts but has been seen increasingly in other fields, such as meditation and software development, which is a hall or place for immersive learning.


What Is "TAW Knowledge Dojo" and The Purpose Of the Training

Saemi presents a series of 90 min zoom live sessions to share her accumulated knowledge of the Theory of an Advanced World (TAW) and Fractal Psychology, which are innovative knowledge and effective methods to upgrade the brain. You can apply this knowledge to become an autonomous thinker and proactive doer bringing your dreams into reality consciously, responsibly, and enthusiastically.



The space is held by Saemi, who provides:

  • a 90 min zoom session twice a month, indefinitely, that offers elements of the knowledge of TAW and Fractal Psychology
  • followed by Q & A,
  • and possibly with a brain exercise to expand our perspective together. Please have a notebook and a pen handy.

Future of TAW Dojo 

"TraIn Your Brain Introductory - Bronze Level"


In this exciting course, you'll delve into the fascinating world of Fractal Psychology, learning about the intricate mechanisms of mind and the principles of Inner Child Work. You’ll discover how your thoughts and emotions shape your reality, and gain valuable insights into how to transform your mindset for a more fulfilling life.

Coming this Summer 


Episode #1

This world is a Virtual Reality

How to differentiate your actual reality from your imagination


Sunday, January 15th, from 8:30 am - 10:00 am (US Pacific Time)


Episode #2

The power of words, “What is your definition of Freedom?”

Definitions of words can be your driving force to move forward or unconscious blocks to hold you back


Sunday, January 22nd, from 8:30 am - 10:00 am (US Pacific Time)


Episode #3

Examine unconscious blocks with "Inner Child Work" How the narrative started. 

Which part of the brain is causing energy leakage?


Sunday, February 12th, from 8:30 am - 10:00 am (US PacificTime)


Episode #4 

What does “Enlightenment” mean from the TAW perspective, and how can we attain it? 

Sunday, February 26th, from 8:30 am - 10:00 am (US Pacific Time)


Episode #5

 “Examine your Unconscious Blocks around Money”  

What kind of unconscious thought pattern is registered in your deep conscious mind? 



Sunday, March 12th, from 8:30 am - 10:00 am (US Pacific Time)


Episode #6

 "Transform Others by Transforming Yourself"

We live in a mirrored world. Whoever triggers my negative emotions is my spiritual teacher!
Sunday, March 26th, from 8:30 am - 10:00 am (US Pacific Time)


Future of TAW Dojo

"Train Your Brain Introductory - Bronze Level"


In this exciting course, you'll delve into the fascinating world of Fractal Psychology, learning about the intricate mechanisms of mind and the principles of Inner Child Work. You’ll discover how your thoughts and emotions shape your reality, and gain valuable insights into how to transform your mindset for a more fulfilling life.

Coming this Summer 



Requirement For Participation 


Each episode has a topic and stands on its own, and you can join any date, but please show up on time.


There is one requirement before the initial participation, which is to read a post that explains the Theory of an Advanced World and Fractal Psychology so that you can get an idea of what you are getting into.


There is no prep work or home play before and after each episode. Please have a notepad and a pan handy.


Read Blog Post For Joining TAW Knowledge Dojo

The Rules For Upgrading Your Brain to Process the Knowledge of TAW

  • Since Saemi wants to keep this space safe for all attendees who are seekers of knowledge and freely ask questions, attendees are not allowed to record or take screenshots of any parts of sessions. Also, all participants are required to keep their videos on.
  • We are rewiring the brain by assembling new ideas, concepts, and information to construct more structured neural wirings within in order to project and manifest a more structured world.
  • We only discuss, analyze, and reassemble personal information/data about what happened to each individual.
  • Therefore, you are encouraged to bring any case studies from your personal experience into the sessions.
  • However, it is not effective to work with experiences that have happened to other people that you heard or read in the news or saw on TV since those experiences have already been filtered and interpreted and are not in your immediate reality.
  • Saemi will record each episode, not for the purpose of uploading it for replay but for saving it as her record.
  • She treats the information as her material and later uses pieces to introduce the knowledge to the world and promote her upcoming courses.
  • She will not use any pieces that include anybody else’s figure or voice.
  • If, in any case, she would like to include a piece in which she is answering someone’s question, she will ask the person who raised the question permission for the inclusion.
  • Please show up on time.