Embracing a Year of Growth and Gratitude

appreciation fractalpsychology manifestation personaldevelopment reflection thoughtscreatereality transformation Aug 26, 2024
Embracing a Year of Growth and Gratitude

The Year-End Reflection: it's a perfect time to reflect on the journey we've taken

As we approach the end of 2023, it's a perfect time to reflect on the journey we've taken. This year, I've gained a deeper understanding of myself, particularly my tendencies and selfishness, thanks to the ongoing updates in my brain rewiring.

Life has a funny way of revealing patterns from our past. As a child, I often voiced discontent to get my way, a tactic that worked with my parents. However, as adults, manipulating others with our emotions no longer serves us. It's fascinating how deeply ingrained childhood strategies can be, even when we believe we've moved past them.

This year, I've become aware of deep-seated feelings toward my family and the unintentional tendency to look down on them. Realizing my misunderstandings and acknowledging the impact of blaming others has been a significant breakthrough, one that only comes with the maturity of the mind.

In our journey through life, projecting negativity onto our loved ones is akin to directing it towards ourselves. It's crucial to break free from these patterns and foster gratitude. For instance, failing to appreciate the efforts of parents, caregivers, or providers can lead to a sense of being unnoticed, despite hard work.

So, I've started a personal practice of meditative apologies, acknowledging past grievances and expressing remorse to those I may have wronged. This process has not only purified accumulated unconscious guilt but also amplified my gratitude towards those around me.

As we enter the holiday season, a time often spent with family, consider taking a moment to reassess your relationships from an elevated perspective. You might discover a newfound appreciation for the beauty of everyday life.

Wishing you a joyous year-end and a New Year filled with renewed perspectives and gratitude.

Warm regards,


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