We Become Who We Say We Are

authenticity expandperspective fractalpsychology limitingbeliefs manifestation thoughtscreatereality transformation Aug 21, 2024
We Become Who We Say We Are

Are you aware of what kind of words and thoughts that you are feeding yourself every day ?


Last Saturday, over 330 souls came together in a special breathwork session, creating a powerful and inspiring sharing circle. We deeply honor their courage to embark on this inner exploration.

Breathwork and my "Child Mind Transformation Work" are powerful tools for delving into our conscious mind and uncovering unconscious blocks. By recognizing these thought and behavioral patterns, we can consciously work on modifying them. This allows us to redirect our precious energy outwardly, with creativity and enthusiasm. Otherwise, these patterns with hidden desires can sometimes backfire, projecting self-destructive scenarios onto the outside world and causing emotional energy leakage.

However, even with effective tools, if a person is not willing to put in the effort, the desired outcome may not be manifested. The brilliance of the last breathwork session was that many individuals showed up courageously and willingly, diving deep into this inner work with a strong desire to heal and improve their lives.

I firmly believe that "Thoughts Create Reality," and the thoughts we consistently tell ourselves each day could either manifest our desired future or prevent us from achieving our goals. Many of us are very conscious of what we are feeding our bodies but we do not put much care into what words we are feeding our minds. We can elevate our awareness further and be more conscious of the self-talk we engage in, as it shapes the image of who we aspire to be.

Here are a few conscious rephrasings you can adopt to build a more self-empowering image:

"I need to do this." → "I get to do this.”

"I have to do this." → "I choose to do this.”

I invite you to reframe your mindset from a victim or dependency perspective to that of an autonomous thinker and proactive doer by consciously reshaping a few sentences you use daily.

Thank you for taking the time to read this!

Warm Regards,


“Private Counseling Session”

 If you are interested in working with me in one on one online setting, my private counseling session can be beneficial. You can go to my website by clicking HERE. You can read testimonials by clicking HERE

Make your brain an autonomous thinker and learn to use it in practical ways, free yourself from your conditioning and rewrite your old story. Start consciously producing your desired results and improving your life by using Saemi's unique approach to improve your brain and dissolve your unconscious blocks and programming through customized guided meditations and counseling work. 

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