Unleash Your Inner Power for a Year of Positivity and Success
Aug 28, 2024
We live in a "mirror world" where our internal thought patterns are reflected outwardly
As we approach the end of the year, it's a time for reflection on both our achievements and those goals we may not have reached. Some of you might be filled with enthusiasm, thinking, "Next year, I will..." while others may adopt a more pessimistic outlook, believing, "Why bother wishing for things that won't come true?”
These patterns of thinking about our future reveal a lot about our attitudes toward life. Those with enthusiasm often possess a strong sense of self-belief. On the other hand, individuals who dismiss their wishes as unattainable adopt a mindset of relying on external forces, often finding themselves being envious, frustrated, or even resenting toward those who appear happy and successful.
In contrast to the reliance on external forces, truly content, abundant, and successful individuals take responsibility for their lives. They understand that their happiness comes from within, their hearts are self-fulfilled, and they are capable of providing for their own desires. Seeking fulfillment from others leads to dissatisfaction and seeking favors from others often results in anger and disappointment.
Living with such a mindset, we feel a sense of fear since we are somehow aware that the discontent and anger we project onto others may eventually come back to us. Some may call this system Karma. Let’s break free from this cycle and shift to a mindset of making ourselves happy and content.
To achieve this goal, there are two key concepts to keep in mind: Visualization and Role Models:
According to Theory of an Advanced World (TAW), ”Thoughts Create Reality”. If you desire to be happy, seek examples of happy and successful individuals to model yourself after. Find these role models in your surroundings, accumulate images of the future you aspire to live. It’s important to understand that thoughts don't immediately materialize. Only thought energy which has accumulated to a certain degree will projects patterns from your unconscious and eventually manifest in your reality.
Avoiding being Envious of others’ success:
The second concept is to resist feelings of envy. When someone close to you achieves happiness or success, harboring jealousy can repel the happiness that is approaching to you. Remember, thoughts materialize, and the negative energy you emit can hinder your own success.
Celebrate the success of your family and friends, cancel out negative thoughts, and say, "My turn is coming soon! Happiness is approaching!" When you genuinely rejoice in the happiness and success of others, you'll be surprised how quickly your own desires materialize.
Our brains do not distinguish between celebrating someone else's success and our own. The brain receives the command "celebrate success," and it starts materializing the success that you should be happy about.
Understanding the law that what you send out comes back to you in a delayed manner, you'll realize we live in a "mirror world" where what you intend and emit from within is reflected back to you.
As you deepen your understanding of the theory that thoughts ultimately materialize, consider what you are thinking, wishing, and expressing to the outside world today.
Wishing you a new year filled with joy, peace, and prosperity.
"Personal support for brain upgrading"
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