“Turn Your Passion into Reality with the Punching Exercise”

affirmations brainexercise fractalpsychology punchingexercise Oct 15, 2024
Turn Your Passion into Reality with the Punching Exercise

It’s not life that creates dreams, but dreams that create life.

For the past month, I’ve been starting my mornings with a 10-minute Punching Exercise developed by Fractal Psychology. It’s simple: I stand in front of a mirror, do some shadow boxing, and recite affirmations designed to unlock the brain’s potential. While it may sound basic and silly, it’s brilliantly effective—and I find myself looking forward to it every day!

I teach the principles of Fractal Psychology, where the idea that thoughts create reality plays a central role. I’ve recommended this practice to many of my students and clients who are serious about rewiring the thought patterns that keep creating unwanted challenges in their lives.

The Punching Exercise is powerful because it combines affirmations with physical movement, allowing the brain to absorb the words as commands through multiple senses—hearing, seeing, and feeling. This helps embed the affirmations deeply into your brain. As you repeat these affirmations, your brain begins to process the next steps and highlights what you need to focus on.

As your brain’s processing speed increases, your perception of the world begins to shift. Synchronicities become more frequent, and you begin to see your thoughts manifest into reality. It’s incredible how much the external world transforms when your brain expands its capacity to recognize why things appear in your life.

Here is an example, if you’re someone who dreams of making your passion your career or achieving success in your field, the key is to boost your action-oriented mindset. Just like driving to a destination, you have to start moving. In this case, try pairing your affirmations with physical punches—it’s a surprisingly effective combination!

Here are some sample affirmations:

  •  “I love my work!”
  •  “I will turn [your passion] into my career and earn $10,000 a month!”
  •  “I take responsibility for achieving my desired results!”
  •  “I take pride in my work!”
  •  “I use my talents to make the world a better place!”

By consistently repeating these affirmations, you strengthen the logical part of your brain. The more often you recite them—whether you’re walking, preparing for bed, or even sitting on the toilet—the quicker you'll notice results.

Once your logical brain is fully engaged, the next step is to connect with the emotional part of your brain, or your Inner Child—the part that may still cling to outdated, limiting beliefs. If these affirmations trigger some resistance within you, consider that there might be negative beliefs about taking responsibility or working that have been holding you back.

Think of your Inner Children (which exists as countless neural circuits) as small soldiers. Give them clear commands like, “Let’s get to work! Work is fulfilling, and you’ve got this! The more you accomplish, the more exciting opportunities will come your way. You’ll feel confident and proud. Keep pushing forward—you’ll reach your goal!”

Take it a step further by envisioning yourself earning over $10,000 a month doing what you love. What qualities and mindset would it take to achieve that? Teach your Inner Children to embrace that same mindset.

After some time, start updating your affirmations as if you've already achieved your goals: 'I am earning over $10,000 a month doing [your passion], and I am super grateful! I have the power to turn my dreams into reality! I love my life!’ Then, raise your arms in victory and let out a celebratory shout. Bring playful energy into it, laugh at yourself in the mirror, and soon you'll notice life reflecting this elevated state right back to you.

Give it a try, be playful, and enjoy!



Train Your Brain Master Course

“Train Your Brain Master Course - Level 1,” will be open for registration in November. 

One-on-one Online Counseling Session

If you're feeling ready to elevate awareness and explore your innate potential by creating a major shift in your perspective and motivating yourself to move in an upward spiral, I extend a warm invitation to take an opportunity for a one-on-one online counseling session.

 You can explore testimonials from individuals who have successfully enhanced their ability to choose for themselves and thriving in their lives by clicking HERE. Your personal growth and well-being are within reach – take the initial step toward a brighter future today.

Try A Free Online NeuroDynamic Breathwork Session   

If you haven't tried it yet, I highly recommend joining one of our online Breathwork sessions. This experience will help you connect with your inner healing potential and Inner Guiding Intelligence (IGI). You can visit https://breathworkonline.com/free/ to sign up for a free online Breathwork session with a 60-minute music set.

Make your brain an autonomous thinker and learn to use it in practical ways, free yourself from your conditioning and rewrite your old story. Start consciously producing your desired results and improving your life by using Saemi's unique approach to improve your brain and dissolve your unconscious blocks and programming through customized guided meditations and counseling work. 

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