βThis Could Be Why Your Dreams Aren't Coming True β Find Out Now!β
Sep 05, 2024
Are You Dwelling on the Past, or Are You Moving Toward the Life You Dream Of?
Do You Have Something You Want to Achieve?
In Fractal Psychology, we emphasize that "thoughts create reality." This means that before something manifests in your life, your thoughts have already set the stage. It’s not about thinking of something once and expecting it to appear. Instead, it's the accumulation of repeated thoughts, long-held beliefs, or vividly imagined dreams that gather thought energy, eventually bringing your desires into reality.
Writing down your goals, creating vision boards, and regularly visualizing the joy of having already achieved them are powerful ways to build this thought energy. If you have dreams, it’s only natural to want to manifest them efficiently and quickly, right?
Yet, some people struggle to actualize their desires. So, what sets apart those who achieve their goals from those who don't, even after years of holding their desired vision?
Even if you've been wishing for something for a long time, if it hasn’t manifested, it may be because you haven’t accumulated enough thought energy or you’ve unconsciously spent more time focusing on negative thoughts and what you don't have. Reality follows a structure where the things with the most accumulated thought energy manifest first.
Many people, while expressing a desire to achieve their dreams, spend much of their time dwelling on the past:
- Regretting actions they wish they hadn’t taken.
- Feeling frustrated about inconveniences caused by others.
- Worrying about things they said to someone recently.
- Overanalyzing how others perceive their actions.
- Recalling unpleasant things their parents said or did decades ago and feeling angry.
- Envying others who seem to have achieved more than they do.
These kinds of thoughts not only dominate their minds but also drain their energy by triggering negative emotions.
In contrast, those who consistently manifest their dreams don’t dwell on such things. Instead, they focus on finding ways to make their dreams come true. What we repeatedly think about and visualize is what will appear in our future. To manifest something, we need to accumulate a significant amount of focused thought energy.
So, rather than reinforcing the past, it’s far more effective to consistently envision a positive future. This is the key to manifesting our desires swiftly and effectively.
If you find yourself frequently dwelling on the past, it might be rooted in a deep sense of victimhood, unresolved guilt or resentment in your subconscious, or limiting beliefs that are holding you back from moving forward. If this resonates with you, I encourage you to explore these subconscious blocks through a private session, where you can begin to release yourself from them and start powerfully manifesting the future you truly desire.
I look forward to accompanying you on your journey!
Thank you for reading.
Try A Free Online NeuroDynamic Breathwork Session γ
If you haven't tried it yet, I highly recommend joining one of our online Breathwork sessions. This experience will help you connect with your inner healing potential and Inner Guiding Intelligence (IGI). You can visit https://breathworkonline.com/schedule to sign up for a free online Breathwork session with a 60-minute music set.
Train Your Brain Master Course - Online
We’ve been working on the online “Train Your Brain Master Course - Level 1,” for those ready to embark on the path to becoming the creator of your own reality. Registration will open soon.
“One-on-one Online Counseling Session”
If you're feeling ready to elevate awareness and explore your innate potential by creating a major shift in your perspective and motivating yourself to move in an upward spiral, I extend a warm invitation to take an opportunity for a one-on-one online counseling session.
You can explore testimonials from individuals who have successfully enhanced their ability to choose for themselves and thriving in their lives by clicking HERE. Your personal growth and well-being are within reach – take the initial step toward a brighter future today.
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