Sculpting Your Reality with Brainpower

fractalpsychology manifestation thoughtscreatereality trainyourbrain Aug 29, 2024
I Manifested Nicholas Cage In My Home!!:Sculpting Your Reality with Brainpower

True victory is achieved by consistently fulfilling one's desires through one's own abilities

How are you? I hope you are enjoying the arrival of early summer.

As many of you know, I’ve been diving deep into understanding the principle that "thoughts become reality, without exception.” I’ve come to recognize that the reality around us is the result of our past thoughts and choices. Our current thoughts, in turn, shape our future. This simple yet profound understanding reveals that our world is governed by an explicit system that we can learn and consciously use to build the future we desire.

Recently, Michael and I had the unique experience of hosting Nicolas Cage at our home. A location manager, looking for a quiet place for Nicolas to rest between takes while shooting a movie nearby, offered to rent our TV room and bathroom for three days, and we accepted. Seeing Nicolas up close, with his bodyguard in tow, I was struck by his charisma and aura. Reflecting on the idea that "thoughts become reality," I realized that having a movie star in my home was a manifestation of my accumulated thoughts around “success.”

This got me thinking about the secrets behind the sustained success of stars like Cage, Sylvester Stallone, and Arnold Schwarzenegger, whose documentary films I watched recently. These actors didn't become movie stars through the power of others. They became movie stars as a result of recognizing their own desires and ambitions and consistently fulfilling them through their own abilities.

When we acknowledge our desires and decide to fulfill them ourselves, we harness the ability to shape our reality.

On the other hand, the dependency on others to fulfill our desires is a mentality often formed in childhood. If this dependency persists into adulthood, we don’t develop the proactive mindset needed to fulfill our own desires. This can lead to blaming others, envying others' success, and accumulating frustration, which turns into fear and anxiety. Such thought patterns then project outward, creating a reality where we find ourselves surrounded by the same kind of people who blame others, feel anxious, lose confidence, and even face recurring health issues.

If we consider that the people around us are a magnified projection of our inner thoughts, then observing them can help us understand our own thought patterns.

Wouldn’t you like to harness the power to create the future you desire? By rewiring our brains, anyone can achieve this. We are all born with the potential to shape our lives as we envision. Let’s break free from dependency, and evolve our minds to create a brilliant reality.

We’ve been preparing the online “Train Your Brain Master Course - Level1,” for moving onto the path to become the creator of your own reality, which will be opening for registration this summer.

“One-on-one Online Counseling Session”

If you're feeling ready to elevate awareness and explore your innate potential by creating a major shift in your perspective and motivating yourself to move in an upward spiral, I extend a warm invitation to take an opportunity for a one-on-one online counseling session.

You can explore testimonials from individuals who have successfully enhanced their ability to choose for themselves and thriving in their lives by clicking HERE. Your personal growth and

Make your brain an autonomous thinker and learn to use it in practical ways, free yourself from your conditioning and rewrite your old story. Start consciously producing your desired results and improving your life by using Saemi's unique approach to improve your brain and dissolve your unconscious blocks and programming through customized guided meditations and counseling work. 

Choose Your Pathway To Freedom

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