Rewiring Your Brain
Aug 29, 2024
Don’t miss this opportunity to access a wealth of information that can transform your life and help you achieve your goals.
Years back, I found myself strongly desiring to upgrade my brain and unlock my latent potential. Through various miraculous experiences, I've come to understand that nothing in this world is random; everything manifests inevitably and structurally. Every morning, as I wake up, it feels like finding a new piece to an unsolved jigsaw puzzle, fitting perfectly into place. It's intriguing to deepen my understanding, realizing, "Ah, so that's what it truly means.”
Today, let's talk about joy. The joy sought by our emotional brains formed in childhood is often derived from being cared for with love, cherished, having enjoyable experiences, or having our need for approval fulfilled by others. Alternatively, it can stem from fond memories or fantasies of how things should be. This is indulging in memories or fantasies—a method born from the memories of a time when we lacked the power within ourselves, inevitably leading to disappointment when expectations aren't met, resulting in feelings of sadness, anger, envy or anxiety.
In contrast, the joy experienced by a more developed, structured, and creative part of brain is subjective, attained through repeated autonomous actions. It arises from a sense of accomplishment, satisfaction, unwavering peace born from self-esteem and pride, conviction, harmony, and a calmness connected to inner resources.
Feeling motivated to engage in meaningful work, contribute to society, and create value for the world while developing capabilities and stacking achievements becomes an enjoyable process.
In essence, it's akin to climbing the mountain of life's purpose: repeatedly descending halfway, carried on others' backs, versus steadily ascending step by step under our own power to reach the summit.
However, as long as our emotional brain dominates us, we may remain trapped in a cycle of expectations and disappointments, unable to recognize these mental structures.
Therefore, developing our brain circuits is essential to break free from the nightmarish merry-go-round. After all, a merry-go-round loops endlessly without an exit. To escape this loop, we must develop our brain circuits, enhance our cognitive abilities, and elevate our perspectives to gain higher vantage point of view.
Make your brain an autonomous thinker and learn to use it in practical ways, free yourself from your conditioning and rewrite your old story. Start consciously producing your desired results and improving your life by using Saemi's unique approach to improve your brain and dissolve your unconscious blocks and programming through customized guided meditations and counseling work.
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