Reasons Why You Haven’t Been Able To Make Your Dreams Come True
Sep 04, 2024
It's important to examine and let go of your limiting beliefs and unconscious blocks
As I continue studying Fractal Psychology and Theory of an Advanced World, which emphasizes that "thoughts become reality, without exception," I strive to convey this knowledge to people around the world in my own words.
Through this work, I’ve realized that information we acquire through study is borrowed knowledge; merely possessing it holds little value. It becomes our own knowledge only when we use it to generate new answers, results, and value. To internalize knowledge, it must reach the deepest parts of our consciousness, and physical experiences play a powerful role in achieving this.
When I hold myself accountable to be an autonomous thinker and proactive doer, and act accordingly to produce my desired outcomes, I reinforce my neural pathways and make things happen to fulfill my desires. Thanks to this practice, the things I desire started to show up more quickly.
If you feel that, despite desiring something to manifest in your reality, it still hasn't materialized, here are some possible reasons:
- You have been indecisive and haven’t set a clear goal.
- There is an opposite agenda in your unconscious mind, so your desire has been cancelled out.
- You have been using the same unsuccessful strategies and expecting a different result.
- You might have a goal but are not committed to taking full responsibility, engaging in your action plan, expending energy, and using your potential to manifest your desired outcomes.
Does any of this resonate with you? Identifying the unconscious agenda mentioned in the second point can be challenging.
However, by expanding your perspective and elevating your awareness, you can begin to see reality in new ways. This shift in understanding might help you identify and overcome the unconscious blocks preventing you from obtaining what you desire.
To support you to expand perspective and elevate awareness, here is the lineup for our upcoming events:
Train Your Brain Master Course - Online
We’ve been preparing the online “Train Your Brain Master Course - Level1,” for moving onto the path to become the creator of your own reality, which will be opening for registration this summer.
“One-on-one Online Counseling Session”
If you're feeling ready to elevate awareness and explore your innate potential by creating a major shift in your perspective and motivating yourself to move in an upward spiral, I extend a warm invitation to take an opportunity for a one-on-one online counseling session.
You can explore testimonials from individuals who have successfully enhanced their ability to choose for themselves and thriving in their lives by clicking HERE. Your personal growth and well-being are within reach – take the initial stride toward a brighter future today.
Make your brain an autonomous thinker and learn to use it in practical ways, free yourself from your conditioning and rewrite your old story. Start consciously producing your desired results and improving your life by using Saemi's unique approach to improve your brain and dissolve your unconscious blocks and programming through customized guided meditations and counseling work.
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