Transform Your Reality: The Power of Thought
Sep 04, 2024
Harness your brain power by updating your brain and change your world
I update my brain daily while teaching a self-development program based on the core theory of fractal psychology: "Thoughts become reality—this world is a virtual reality created by projecting the thought patterns accumulated in your unconscious mind.”
The concept that "thoughts become reality" is familiar from books by authors like Joseph Murphy, but how many people truly understand its profound meaning? Essentially, thoughts precede the phenomena we perceive outside ourselves. This means that to change something in the external world, you must identify and reshape the thought pattern in your unconscious that produced that phenomenon. Over time, this practice will start to change the external world.
This understanding becomes clearer through experience, but it’s challenging to grasp just by reading about it. When I first began studying this, I was utterly baffled. However, as my brain became more structured, I realized that the external world also follows a structured pattern. A more structured brain projects a more coherent and rational world.
By using the principle that our inner thoughts are reflected in the outer world, we can discern the state of our inner mind.
For example:
- Do those who enjoy watching TV dramas where a tragic heroine overcomes difficulties or suspense dramas where the protagonist solves thrilling situations constantly have subtle anxiety about encountering unexpected hardships in their own lives?
- Do you have malfunctioning household appliances, cars that frequently break down, or computers in your home? These may reflect the functionality level of your brain.
- Are you holding onto or hoarding things that you don’t use, need, or like anymore? That could mean that you are holding onto outdated programming with limiting beliefs and ineffective strategies.
Recognizing these patterns allows you to say goodbye to old ways and habitual thoughts. You can then plant new thought patterns in the space created in your brain or challenge yourself with new things to develop the uncharted territory of your brain, effectively updating it.
In short, what is needed for brain development is good stimulation. This isn’t the emotional stimulation of anger, sadness, fear, or the cycle of tragedy and relief, but the stimulation of thinking logically, productively, and intentionally.
The brain is an ever-evolving Reality Creating Machine. It feeds on stimulation. When the brain doesn’t get enough stimulation, it starts to stimulate itself by indulging in memories and creating fear-driven dramas.
If this resonates with you, it might be time to let go of unnecessary things, ineffective ideas, outdated strategies, and familiar melodramas. You can start to create space for new information, new effective gadgets, and a new hero image to support you in moving forward towards your desired future.
To support your brain updating, here is the lineup for our upcoming events:
Train Your Brain Master Course - Online
We’ve been preparing the online “Train Your Brain Master Course - Level1,” for moving onto the path to become the creator of your own reality, which will be opening for registration this summer.
“One-on-one Online Counseling Session”
If you're feeling ready to elevate awareness and explore your innate potential by creating a major shift in your perspective and motivating yourself to move in an upward spiral, I extend a warm invitation to take an opportunity for a one-on-one online counseling session.
You can explore testimonials from individuals who have successfully enhanced their ability to choose for themselves and thriving in their lives by clicking HERE. Your personal growth and well-being are within reach – take the initial stride toward a brighter future today.
Make your brain an autonomous thinker and learn to use it in practical ways, free yourself from your conditioning and rewrite your old story. Start consciously producing your desired results and improving your life by using Saemi's unique approach to improve your brain and dissolve your unconscious blocks and programming through customized guided meditations and counseling work.
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