PlayMind for Workmartyrs Online Event

fractalpsychology playmind thoughtscreatereality trainyourbrain Aug 29, 2024
 PlayMind for Workmartyrs Online Event Starting Tomorrow, May 1st!!

Overcome Hyper-vigilance & End the Cycle of Burnout by Nurturing Your OwnMost Nature

Do you feel like you’ve been waiting for the dress rehearsal to be done so you can start authentically living your life? Have you been missing meaningful engagement with yourself, others, and the world at large?

Do you feel that your ability for experiencing pleasure has been negotiated and conditioned to having earned it for so long that even when you mentally agree you deserve some pleasure-time you can't seem to allow yourself to enjoy for any duration?

Is it as if you’re on autopilot and not truly present to see what life is offering you in every second? It’s time to reconnect with your innermost resources that have been waiting for you to discover!

l lived my life with a busy mind filled with meaningless thoughts, irrational stories, and dramas for so many years. It felt as if I was confined in a jail cell, manipulated by compulsive whispers from my inner judge: “I have to do such and such”, “I must act in such a way”, “I should never be like them”, “It’s beyond my reach, why am I even trying…” etc. I would often find myself drained and consumed mentally, physically, and spiritually.

In my interview aired on May 16th, I share my own process of pulling myself out from the repetitive loop of nightmarish narratives and taking my power back. And, I present my signature, “Adult Mind meets Child Mind Guided Meditation”, to support the audience to take a step towards cultivating the most significant relationship in your life, which is to themself. Imagine waking up energized and working through your days with clarity, lightheartedness, and resolve. Imagine feeling free of self-doubt and constantly double-guessing, knowing that what needs to get done will get done without any of your precious energy leaking, and actually looking forward to tackling whatever’s on your plate.

Find out how with me and 21+ other leading artists, entrepreneurs, teachers, coaches and playmind adepts at the PLayMind for WorkMartyrs: Overcome Hypervigilance & End the Cycle of Burnout by Nurturing Your OwnMost Nature summit, a completely FREE online series presented by award-winning artist and Core Transformation coach Tchera Niyego*. Sign up HERE!   

Plus there will be generous free gifts from each speaker to deepen your exploration on the path of transformation.

PlayMind is the invitation to an open, welcoming, and warm space where change happens naturally, at your own pace. 

Tchera Niyego* is a Core Transformation coach who’s been a practitioner of methodologies for approaching the non-dual perspective via mystical oral traditions for the last 24 years. Her background is in the arts and theater as an actor, writer and curator, having lived and worked in the Middle East, Europe, Asia, and the US, and performed on NYC stages, published articles, essays, and reviews on art and culture for decades, curated shows in art galleries and art fairs internationally presenting illustrious artists including Bob Dylan, Patti Smith, and Yoko Ono among thousands of contemporaries. Her early career was as a textile and clothing designer with her award-winning brand “Tcherina” in the 1990’s. As a prolific artist and facilitator for change work, Tchera is intimately familiar with the challenges over-achievers face, and she’s learned how to slay the dragons, while celebrating her faith in the unknowable, the support of a loving community, and an ongoing sense of ‘no-big-deal’.

Make your brain an autonomous thinker and learn to use it in practical ways, free yourself from your conditioning and rewrite your old story. Start consciously producing your desired results and improving your life by using Saemi's unique approach to improve your brain and dissolve your unconscious blocks and programming through customized guided meditations and counseling work. 

Choose Your Pathway To Freedom

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