Discovering True Freedom: The Path to Independence

fractalpsychology freedom thoughtscreatereality unconsciousblocks xc Aug 29, 2024
Discovering True Freedom: The Path to Independence

Your definition of FREEDOM can be your driving force or a self-inflicted restriction

In my mail magazine last week, I talked about the definition of LOVE. I shared that true love involves supporting the other person’s growth and expansion. With this intention, every action becomes an act of love.

Today, let’s explore the definition of Freedom. Since “Thoughts Create Reality,” our deeply seated thought patterns shape our reality. Your definition of Freedom profoundly influences your decision-making process, shaping your ability to create your version of freedom.

Reflect on this: If freedom means doing whatever you want whenever you want, you might feel constrained because true freedom involves understanding and managing our dependencies. As children, we relied on our parents for everything. If we carry this mindset into adulthood, we might feel frustrated or disappointed by our perceived lack of freedom in our adult relationship, workplace, or society.

True freedom, however, comes from independence. It’s about taking responsibility to enhance our ability to make choices for ourselves. When we have financial stability, we choose where to live, what to eat, and how to educate our children. When we build our skills and knowledge, we open up more job opportunities and pathways in life.

In this case, responsibility to build our ability to choose is the price of true freedom.

The biggest shift in perspective comes from reducing dependency and cultivating independence. This mindset promotes autonomous thinking and choosing, acting accordingly, and achieving desired outcomes, paving the way toward a happier, more abundant life. After all, we are the dreamers, architects, and builders of our desired future.

 “One-on-one Online Counseling Session”

 If you're feeling ready to elevate awareness and explore your innate potential by creating a major shift in your perspective and motivating yourself to move in an upward spiral, I extend a warm invitation to take an opportunity for a one-on-one online counseling session.

You can explore testimonials from individuals who have successfully enhanced their ability to choose for themselves and thriving in their lives by clicking HERE. Your personal growth and well-being are within reach – take the initial stride toward a brighter future today.

Make your brain an autonomous thinker and learn to use it in practical ways, free yourself from your conditioning and rewrite your old story. Start consciously producing your desired results and improving your life by using Saemi's unique approach to improve your brain and dissolve your unconscious blocks and programming through customized guided meditations and counseling work. 

Choose Your Pathway To Freedom

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