Setting Your Updated Intentions For The New Year

brainpower fractalpsychology personaldevelopment settinggoals thoughtscreatereality Aug 28, 2024
Setting Your Updated Intentions For The New Year

Whatever you focus your attention on and invest your mental energy into will gain the power to manifest in your reality.

Happy New Year! I hope you had a delightful holiday break and celebration.

As I sat down to set my goals for this year, that was the easy part, but then I encountered an unexpected challenge when I tried to assign deadlines to each objective. Resistance crept in, leading me to engage in various tasks around the house, from making coffee to doing laundry, anything to avoid committing to completion dates for my projects. After some introspection, I discovered that my reluctance stemmed from a fear of imperfection and failure.

I realized this fear was rooted in outdated programming from my past. To overcome it, I encouraged the emotional part of my brain/Child Mind. I reminded myself that perfection is an illusion, and not setting deadlines, while seemingly relieving in the short term, would only foster burden and heaviness in my mind.

Choosing not to set a direction for accomplishing my goals is, in fact, a choice to remain stagnant or regress. Embracing mistakes as part of the learning process, I've come to understand that they are not a hindrance but rather stepping stones toward improvement. Every mistake provides valuable data, knowledge, and insight that contribute to better results and personal growth.

Making mistakes is not a reflection of personal failure; it's an integral part of our evolution. By viewing errors as opportunities to learn and grow, we become smarter and more confident in our endeavors. Those who continually challenge themselves are the ones who truly understand their capabilities.

Therefore, I simply gave myself a challenge to commit to a date to complete each project, which was the command to my brain to figure out how to move forward. May this year bring you fulfillment and a more balanced perspective. Thank you for taking the time to read my reflections.

Wishing you all the best,


"Personal support for brain upgrading"

If you're feeling ready to explore your innate resources and nurture your confidence within by creating a major shift in your perspective and motivating yourself to move in an upward spiral, I extend a warm invitation to take an opportunity for a one-on-one online counseling session.

You can explore testimonials from individuals who have successfully enhanced their ability to choose for themselves and thriving in their lives by clicking HERE. Your personal growth and well-being are within reach – take the initial stride toward a brighter future today.

Make your brain an autonomous thinker and learn to use it in practical ways, free yourself from your conditioning and rewrite your old story. Start consciously producing your desired results and improving your life by using Saemi's unique approach to improve your brain and dissolve your unconscious blocks and programming through customized guided meditations and counseling work. 

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