Leave Emotional Baggage behind to Move Forward Toward Your Dreams & Desired Future
Oct 12, 2022
Before we sow new seeds, we need to clean the field by pulling out old roots, removing stones, discarding rotten waste, and cultivating the soil to let the seeds grow and thrive.
I live in Los Angeles, and it is the middle of October. I notice that the days are becoming shorter and dark earlier, and I remember that I used to feel lonesome around this time of year. But I do not feel that way anymore, which made me curious about what has changed inside of me.
There were a self-image, belief, and decision that would evoke my acute loneliness as follows:
- I am a lone fighter.
- I have to fight hard to get what I want.
- I must suffer to become worthy of something with value.
The seed of these notions emerged when my mother had my baby brother. I was 20 months old, felt downgraded, and of no value to my mother anymore. I feel compassion towards my Inner Child, who had held onto these notions and fought hard to prove my worth alone for so long.
I am grateful for the tools I acquired to rewire the brain through this deep inner work. Now, I understand that they were all misinterpretations and wrong beliefs. I have become capable of connecting with the wounded parts of myself and comforting, consoling, and guiding them to integrate into my Adult Mind, which is a competent, innovative thinker and proactive doer.
Recognizing our subtle thought patterns on automatic pilot in the subconscious mind is critical to creating permanent shifts in perspective.
While we let those unconscious mind chatters trap us in their emotional narratives, we are experiencing emotions that could result in energy leakage that could otherwise be expended to produce our desired outcomes.
Through my counseling sessions and upcoming classes, we can learn the mechanism of the mind to elevate our awareness so that we can intervene in our old emotional beliefs and narratives and replace them with our action plans to reinforce the neural wiring to become more self-reliable individuals to courageously build our desired future for ourselves. We can then start seeing emotions as signals to read messages coming from our subconscious mind instead of being consumed, drained, or paralyzed by our emotions and emotional narratives.
Metaphorically speaking, by doing this inner work, we can clean the field by pulling out old roots, removing stones, discarding rotten waste, and cultivating the soil to sow new seeds to grow and raise to produce an abundance of healthy fruits and vegetables that we can share with others.
So we can clean our mind by pulling out old definitions, removing wrong ideas and beliefs, discarding old emotional strategies, and cultivating our mind to implant new ideas, concepts, and information to produce a new vision, dreams, and values and consciously bring them to fruition.
What’s more...
By clicking HERE, you can read powerful testimonials from my clients who went through this deep inner work with me in a private setting.
You can learn Inner Child Work with Fractal Psychology from YouTube Videos...
My teacher, Ms. Mau Isshiki, who is the founder of TAW Fractal Phenomenology (aka Theory of an Advanced World) and Fractal Psychology, created a series of animation videos to share this powerful knowledge to connect with your Inner Child and align it with your Adult Mind to move enthusiastically forward with your life. Five (3 to 4 min) episodes have already been uploaded on her YouTube channel with English subtitles so you can watch, learn, and start practicing this deep inner work. There will be another thirty-five episodes uploaded soon.
If you are interested in finding out more about Inner Child Work with Fractal Psychology, I encourage you to start watching episode #1 and subscribe to her channel by clicking HERE.
Make your brain an autonomous thinker and learn to use it in practical ways, free yourself from your conditioning and rewrite your old story. Start consciously producing your desired results and improving your life by using Saemi's unique approach to improve your brain and dissolve your unconscious blocks and programming through customized guided meditations and counseling work.
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