The Benefits of Tapping Into Expanded States of Consciousness

consciousness expandedstateofconsciousness expandedstateofconsciousnessworldsummit fractalpsychology thoughtscreatereality Aug 21, 2024
The Benefits of Tapping Into Expanded States of Consciousness

We can transcend the limits of the mind and access new boundless possibilities

I hope this email finds you well. Today marks the start of the free 9 day Expanded States of Consciousness World Summit, with over 65 world-class experts such as Deepak Chopra, Wim Hof, Andrew Weil, and Dan Siegel, who will share their knowledge about accessing expanded states of consciousness and benefitting from their potential for deep healing, profound transformation and spiritual awakening, including meditation, breathwork, psychedelics, plant medicines, shamanism, music, chanting and more with 48-hours free viewing access to each Summit day’s presentations. I am excited to share with you the incredible opportunity we have to tap into the wisdom of experts and masters in this field.

Thanks to advancements in technology, we can now access insightful interviews that reveal how expanded states of consciousness can benefit us in countless ways. But why is it so important to learn about this topic?

The reality we perceive is heavily influenced by our past experiences and internal narratives, which can limit our ability to make informed decisions and imagine new possibilities. Our brain's tendency to conserve energy keeps us on autopilot, preventing us from experiencing the world in all its vastness.

In the words of a Chinese proverb, "a frog in a well cannot conceive the ocean." This maxim serves as a reminder that we too can become trapped in narrow perspectives, unless we actively seek out new experiences and expand our knowledge.

By delving deeper into our consciousness, we can gain a greater understanding of ourselves and learn how to manifest our desired outcomes. We can break free from limiting beliefs and open ourselves up to a world of boundless possibilities.

So let's embrace the ability to create our own reality and join together to explore expanded states of consciousness. I hope this inspires you to tune in to this free summit and learn all that it has to offer.

Additionally, I am offering a free guided meditation called "Meeting the Future Advanced Version of Yourself." Register for the free Expanded States of Consciousness World Summit to receive this meditation designed to help you tap into your innate potential and inner wisdom. Don't miss out on this amazing opportunity to deepen your practice and connect with a community of like-minded individuals.

Best regards,

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