Experience “Death and Rebirth” While We Are Alive
Jan 01, 2023
We all appear in the world by taking the first breath and disappear by taking the last breath
I am both a Holotropic and Neurodynamic Breathwork Facilitator. When I went through the Grof Transpersonal Training Course to become a certified Holotropic breathwork facilitator, I learned the concept of “Death and Re-birth,” which is one of the breathwork experiences that breathers could have.
I used to think we had to first physically die before we could reincarnate/be born again. However, through my breathwork experiences as a breather, I was able to experience diving into a journey of self-discovery and coming out of the painful darkness as a slightly different version of myself.
Reality changes every time when we change the angle from which we perceive it and interpret it
As I studied Fractal Psychology and TAW theory (Theory of an Advanced World), I started to understand that multiple layers/parts/characteristics co-exist inside me. And by learning my unconscious desires, taking in new ideas and concepts, and integrating them into a new way of thinking and doing to autonomously fulfill the desires, I create new behavioral patterns. This process is rewiring the brain and could create permanent shifts in perspective. Once my perspective, which is the filter through which I perceive my outside world and myself, changes, I show up in my new world as a renewed version of myself. As I keep moving toward my goals as an autonomous thinker and proactive doer, I continue rebirthing myself, and one day I will show up as a fully awakened conscious creator of my desired world.
By learning about my habitual ways of thinking and behaving, I now understand that eliminating one of the old neural pathways is an experience of a piece of my old self dying. And as a result, having a new more structured network of neural circuits in my brain which perceive the world from a slightly different angle is my rebirthing experience.
Only understanding who you are can set you free
When we master this practice of “Death and Rebirth” in every living moment with every conscious breath we take, we get to be reborn and become one breath closer to the person we were born to be or whoever we would like to become.
And on this New Year’s day, I ask myself, “Who would I like to become this year?” and I commit myself to rewire and upgrade my brain one neural circuit at a time to become the person I am aiming to become.
TAW Knowledge Dojo starting from January 15th
I am starting a series of 90 min classes, “TAW Knowledge Dojo*,” from January 15th to share my accumulated knowledge to rewire and upgrade the brain wiring from the Theory of an Advanced World and Fractal Psychology.
*Dojo means "place of the Way" in Japanese. This is traditionally in martial arts but has been seen increasingly in other fields, such as meditation and software development, which is a hall or place for immersive learning.
If you are interested in the class, please read my BLOG POST, which explains the Theory of an Advanced World (TAW) and Fractal Psychology and more details about this series of classes.
You can register for each episode by clicking HERE.
Make your brain an autonomous thinker and learn to use it in practical ways, free yourself from your conditioning and rewrite your old story. Start consciously producing your desired results and improving your life by using Saemi's unique approach to improve your brain and dissolve your unconscious blocks and programming through customized guided meditations and counseling work.
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