Cultivate A Positive Outlook Within By Focusing What You Have Already Manifested In Your Life

fractalpsychology manifestation personaldevelopment thoughtscreatereality transformation Aug 21, 2024

I understand that many people have a busy life and sometimes get overwhelmed with their long to-do lists in their mind.

Recently, I felt down after admitting that I had made much less progress than my targeted goal with my current project. When our mind is occupied with emotional narratives, our logical mind does not work. After I allowed myself to wallow and feel sorry for myself for a bit, I switched my gear to override my negative self-talk by having my logical mind take over my brain. I started to write down what I had accomplished in my life. This list of accomplishments does not need to contain emotional narratives. I could write down even a small win at a time to create my list of accomplishments.

When I completed the list and took a good look at it, I felt assertiveness emerge within because I realized I spent some time doing inner work by self-acknowledging my ability to produce my desired results.

When we get to know ourselves deeper and more intimately, we also learn to take good care of ourselves. And as we proactively take care of ourselves, our sense of self-value elevates which decreases dependency and victim mentality.

If my share today resonates with you, you might be interested in reading two blog posts: “Learn the Power Of Words to Unlock the Pattern In Creation to Manifest Your Desired Future”, which you can find by clicking HERE

Also, “How to Influence Your Ability to Attract What You Want - ‘Law of Attraction’” which you can find by clicking HERE.

Thank you for reading!

With gratitudes,


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