A Journey Towards Self-Understanding and Conscious Transformation

consciousness expandedstateofconsciousness expandedstateofconsciousnessworldsummit fractalpsychology thoughtscreatereality Aug 28, 2024
A Journey Towards Self-Understanding and Conscious Transformation

2nd Annual Expanded States of Consciousness World Summit

To shine the light within oneself, one must also shine light upon one's shadows.

However, if one labels the shadow within as "bad," it can become unpleasant to confront it.  

Light and shadow. We all possess both, and there's no inherent good or bad.  

Since we have been keeping it covered up or ignoring it for decades, shining the light of awareness onto the shadowy parts of oneself can bring a sense of relief, finally acknowledging the totality of one's true being. We cannot fully experience our humanity until we integrate our shadow within.  

With my work counseling individuals who seek to release themselves from self-inflicted limitations, I give my clients powerful tools to shine the light of their consciousness onto the darkness within in order to cultivate a more balanced perspective and integrate all of the pieces of themselves.   

We are powerful creators, and, by turning the power of our own healing light inwards, we can produce amazing shifts in our lives.  

The second annual, Expanded States of Consciousness World Summit begins tomorrow. If you have aspirations to improve yourself, consciously create your life, or live doing what makes you happier, participating in this seminar will bring you learning, inspiration, courage, and hope.  

You can change. When you change, your life changes too. . Looking forward to growing and expanding together with all of you. 

Register for this Free 8-day online event by clicking HERE to reserve your spot or the button below.  

Warm regards,  


Make your brain an autonomous thinker and learn to use it in practical ways, free yourself from your conditioning and rewrite your old story. Start consciously producing your desired results and improving your life by using Saemi's unique approach to improve your brain and dissolve your unconscious blocks and programming through customized guided meditations and counseling work. 

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