True Freedom Is The Ability To Choose For Yourself

fractalpsychology manifestation personaldevelopment thoughtscreatereality transformation Aug 26, 2024
True Freedom Is The Ability To Choose For Yourself

Do you wish to remain in the World of  Recycled Memories or move forward towards the World of Creation?

In Japan, where I was born and raised, there's a tradition of thoroughly cleaning the house at the end of the year. This practice, dating back to the 12th century, involves sweeping away the soot accumulated throughout the year to purify the home and welcome the gods of the new year. It symbolizes both purification and the welcoming of the new year by cleansing the mind and body.

Recently, I felt the need for a cleanup in my mind and the neural circuits of my brain. After automatically downloading a new operating system, my computer's performance plummeted, and the printer stopped working. Despite reaching out to technical support for assistance, the more I tried to fix it, the worse it became. Faced with a pricey computer that was only four years old and already not functioning well, I felt on the verge of tears. Then it hit me—I was resisting and playing the victim, unwilling to accept the current situation.

In Fractal Psychology, thoughts materialize, and the surroundings are considered an external projection of one's inner essence. I realized that I needed to cleanse and purify my own brain. It was time to eliminate outdated thinking patterns and emotionally draining narratives, switching to new technologies, thought patterns, and strategies. Recognizing this, I purchased the latest Mac computer and a printer.

While the design and functionality of the new computer brought so much joy, it also revealed how much time and energy I had emotionally wasted in the futile struggle to bring outdated OS back into my old computer as if regressing back to the past. Using emotions to resist embracing new things is an outdated approach from the past. Opting for courage to embrace the new is the way of an evolved future self, accumulating success.

The ability to choose this is the freedom of adulthood. Let's intentionally make choices that move us towards the future rather than remaining in recycled memories.

“Personalized Guidance and Support”

If you're feeling ready to explore your inner journey and nurture your personal growth by replacing your old outdated patterns & tactics with upgraded ones, I extend a warm invitation to join me for a one-on-one online counseling session.

You can explore heartfelt testimonials from individuals who have already embarked on this empowering journey by clicking HERE. Your personal growth and well-being are within reach – seize the initial stride toward a brighter future today. To your growth and liberation, Saemi

Make your brain an autonomous thinker and learn to use it in practical ways, free yourself from your conditioning and rewrite your old story. Start consciously producing your desired results and improving your life by using Saemi's unique approach to improve your brain and dissolve your unconscious blocks and programming through customized guided meditations and counseling work. 

Choose Your Pathway To Freedom

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