854 People Participated in My Child Mind Guided Meditation and A NeuroDynamic Breathwork Session

autonomousliberation childmindguidedmeditation innerchild innerchildwork neurodynamicbreathwork Sep 04, 2024
Our Child Mind Is Our Life Force Energy Of Desire

Getting to know our innate desire is the first step to our autonomous liberation

A few weeks ago, Michael Stone, the founder of NeuroDynamic Breathwork (NDB), and I co-facilitated a special Breathwork session. I presented my “Child Mind meets Adult Mind” guided meditation, immediately followed by a 60-minute NDB session. It was an incredible experience, with 854 participants joining us.

Hundreds of participants connected with their Child Mind in deeper and more intimate ways than ever before, gaining profound insights and wisdom. Our sharing circle lasted about 2.5 hours, filled with heartwarming, inspirational, and insightful shares. We were deeply moved by the courage, vulnerability, and willingness of many to dive deep into this journey of self-discovery. For some, it was a challenging journey, but the experiences were truly mind-blowing and transformative.

However, I've also encountered many people who have stopped deepening their self-understanding, thinking they've done enough work on themselves or inner child work, even though they had not yet truly connected with their innate desires about the kind of future they want to create. As a result, they remain trapped in mind-constructed narratives of victims and perpetrators.

We are here to learn and play—expressing, creating, contributing, building, connecting, and loving—so we can celebrate who we've become. To become the person I was born to be, I need to be aware of my innate desires and ambitions, enhancing my potential to fulfill them. This journey is both challenging and exhilarating.

Developing autonomy allows our Child Mind to let go of excessive dependency and scarcity mentality, leading to a more liberated and self-sufficient life.

Make your brain an autonomous thinker and learn to use it in practical ways, free yourself from your conditioning and rewrite your old story. Start consciously producing your desired results and improving your life by using Saemi's unique approach to improve your brain and dissolve your unconscious blocks and programming through customized guided meditations and counseling work. 

Choose Your Pathway To Freedom

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