Your Child Mind Holds The Key To Release Yourself from Limiting BeliefsĀ andĀ Self-Inflicted Restrictions
Sep 04, 2024
When it comes to challenging oneself with something new, it's natural for everyone to feel anxious. Stepping into the unknown, facing experiences we've never had before—it's essentially because we can't make solid predictions. At such times, many of us feel fear, self-doubt, and stress. And surely, everyone would like to avoid such feelings.
However, by avoiding fear and stress, we may find ourselves unable to grow or evolve. If we prioritize staying in the same place, maintaining the status quo, we might eventually start to feel fatigue and stagnation, forgetting the meaning of living.
The emotional part of our brain which I refer as the Child Mind is our life force of desire. It holds childlike wonder which is also the life force energy of desire. However, sometimes, the beliefs, self-doubt, and negative self-perceptions formed during childhood linger, becoming blocks that adults may use to avoid stress and challenges.
Would you like to explore what thought patterns are stored within your Child Mind through my guided meditation?
By combining Child Mind Transformational Work with Breathwork, I will guide you through breakthrough healings and insights that will help you connect with your inner child (the emotional part of your brain with thinking patterns and needs that were developed in your childhood) in a deeper way than ever before.
To register for the next upcoming special Breathwork event, please click HERE to visit the registration page.
I am pleased to share some heartfelt testimonials from our last combined NeuroDynamic Breathwork and Inner Child Guided Meditation Session:
I got in touch with my inner child. She was hiding in my bathtub behind the shower curtain. She was three years old and scared. She looked very very sad. She came to me and I told her I loved her. I felt at peace because I hid for so long to protect her. Then I relieved moments of sexual abuse I went through with my father. It was painful to relieve this again. I feel sad inside still as I am writing this. I really like the music and was able to let my body make my arms, hands, shoulders, feet and the whole body feel the music. Something I will not let myself do before. I could not believe how relax I was doing this. It was for the first time of my life giving me permission to let my body dance with the music. It was a wonderful experience.
- Nicole from Ontario Canada
A profound session held in a very safe and loving container. I came away from the session with a powerful model for working with my inner child and a deep appreciation of what is at play when i am ' conflicted'.
- Adele from Ireland
Innerchild breathwork is always my must go to breathwork session. Especially for me, who has a lot emotions blockages need to work on, the innerchild breathwork is like a bridge to help me meeting my innerchild. It helps me to practicing to connect with her more deeply. Everytime I felt touched after the session, to finally meet with her, to spend time with her. very grateful to have the session to help me deepen my connection with my innerchild. I am always wish there’s more innerchild breathwork available.. emotion is so important and it is deeply connect with innerchild.
- MK from California
This experience brought me to the deepest source of pain and grief in my life and images of my inner child were intermingled with those of my daughter who was a small child at the time. The experience was ultimately deeply healing and integrative of something I have been carrying my whole life and I am so grateful for this.
A profound and emotional journey to reconnect with your inner child. Incredibly moving! I wish I would have connected with her sooner and will be sure to visit with this loving little "gift" regularly!
- Susan
To register for the upcoming special Breathwork event, please click HERE to visit the registration page.
Thank you for reading!
Make your brain an autonomous thinker and learn to use it in practical ways, free yourself from your conditioning and rewrite your old story. Start consciously producing your desired results and improving your life by using Saemi's unique approach to improve your brain and dissolve your unconscious blocks and programming through customized guided meditations and counseling work.
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