Saemi’s Child Mind Guided Meditation!!
Sep 04, 2024
When we wish to change our behavior or create positive changes in our lives, it’s natural to feel a sense of fear, self-doubt, and stress as we step into the brain’s uncharted territory. Naturally, the brain has an inclination to resist or avoid these feelings.
However, by avoiding fear and stress, we may find ourselves unable to grow or evolve. If we prioritize staying in the comfort zone and maintaining familiarity, we might eventually start to feel stuck and stagnant, forgetting the exhilarating sensation of learning and experiencing something new, and cultivating our adaptability to move forward with our lives.
The emotional part of our brain, which I refer to as the Child Mind, holds a childlike wonder, which is also the life force energy of desire. However, sometimes the beliefs, self-doubt, and negative self-perceptions formed during childhood linger, becoming blocks that avoid stress and challenges. As a result, these blocks prevent us from advancing in the world.
Would you like to explore which thought patterns stored within your Child Mind might have been either unconscious blocks or the driving force of your life?
By combining this innovative “Adult Mind meets Child Mind” guided meditation, birthed from Fractal Psychology, with Breathwork, I guide you on a deep dive into the journey of self-exploration. You might experience breakthrough healings and invaluable insights by tapping into your innate resources. Please stay in touch so you are the first to know when registration opens for our next NeuroDynamic Breathwork and Adult Mind meets Child Mind Guided Meditation Session.
I am pleased to share a few of the many heartfelt testimonials from our last session.
The introductory guiding session with Saemi really set the Energy and stage for the breathwork itself; maybe this contributed to the depth and reach of the experience? Almost psychedelic in its intensity, so the insights, healing & knitting together of previously-disparate understandings was a knock-out. Sobbing, laughing, joy and the resulting and ongoing solidity and sense of security are beautiful. Me and my child, and a few ancestors, feel rock-solid for what's next.
- Ann, nr.Glastonbury, UK
Having worked for years to heal the wounds of my childhood without any permanent success, I finally found this incredible experience of both Inner Child Meditation and Breath Work, Led by Michael Stone and Saemi Nakamura.. I woke up this morning a different person. I have clarity, and a deeper understanding of the years of self sabotage that have blocked my good and my creativity.. This experience was a golden key to a brighter future. I can feel it in my bones.
- Krystella M from Calgary, Alberta, Canada
Through this profound inner work, we learn to harness the power of our emotions as signals, guiding us towards greater self-awareness and self-compassion. By reconnecting with our Inner Child, we nurture our life force energy and create a foundation of love and resilience to carry us forward
Make your brain an autonomous thinker and learn to use it in practical ways, free yourself from your conditioning and rewrite your old story. Start consciously producing your desired results and improving your life by using Saemi's unique approach to improve your brain and dissolve your unconscious blocks and programming through customized guided meditations and counseling work.
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