What Does Abundance Mean To You & Happiness Look Like To You?
Aug 23, 2024
It doesn’t cost us anything to demonstrate our kindness to others.
I trust this email finds you well in good health.
Yesterday, I had a tennis lesson, and when we finished the lesson, my tennis coach and I noticed two young men in search of an available court. My coach called out to them, "Are you looking for a court? We are just leaving." Their faces lit up, and they eagerly entered the court we were about to vacate. When they expressed their gratitude, their sincerity left me with a heartwarming feeling. My coach then turned to me and remarked, "You see, being kind costs nothing.”
This experience prompted me to reflect on the abundance we often take for granted – in this instance, not only the joy of having a tennis lesson on a seaside court under the radiant sunlight but also those who organized to set up my lesson and for the efforts of many unknown individuals to maintain these tennis courts in good shape and mange reservation and so on.
I pondered how much richness we are actually enjoying. We frequently overlook what we consider "ordinary" because it seamlessly blends into our daily lives. The brief interaction with these strangers reminded me of how we often underestimate the depth of our blessings.
This sense of commonplace abundance, not only within myself but also radiating out from those around me, serves as a profound testament to the genuine richness residing within our hearts.
Each of us can practice discovering moments of abundance and happiness in our daily lives. It costs us nothing, yet we may come to realize things such as:
”I am surrounded by abundance”
“I am living in abundance and I will always be abundant"
"I am deserving of embracing abundance!”
Wishing you a life filled with abundant joy and positivity.
Warm regards,
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